The Pitcher

  • Zitat

    The Pitcher started out as a studio project in the year 2000. With the upcoming of the harder styles, Michel Pollen, the producer of “The Pitcher”, started producing hardstyle orientated tracks like “Pump It Loud” and “Start Rocking”. Though seemingly unknown, The Pitcher has had a massive influence on the hardstyle production scene, producing for Donkey Rollers, Zany and Dozer.
    The Pitcher-tracks were successful but there was no DJ act to support it. Michel is a true studio-artist and definitely not a performer.
    With the on holding success and the new coming nu-style songs like “Grindin’” and “Sleeping” the project needed a “face” to keep the project going. This is where Luc van Veghel comes to the picture.
    Luc, a young and very talented dj, who had the experience that the project needed, offered to cooperated as a team with Michel.
    Together they finally could comprehend with the overwhelming demand of an performance of “The Pitcher”, which resulted already with performances in Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Germany and of course Holland’s biggest clubs

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Mir gefielen bisher fast durch die Bank alle Songs, die Michel Pollen unter diesem Projekt rausgebracht hat. Ganz besonders natürlich Songs wie Our Core, Shine, Serenity, und nicht zuletzt I Just Can't Stop, das, wie jeder weiß, so ein Hitpotential hatte, dass sich ein bekanntes deutsches Dance-Projekt da mal eben dreist den Mainpart rausgeklaut hat. :wink:


    Ab 23:15

    Ich weiß nich ob ichs schonmal gepostet hab. Ist ja jetzt schon 1.5 jahre her.
    Aber der Track tauchte meines Wissens seither nicht mehr auf

    My Top 10:

    01 Gunz for Hire - Inside my Head :love:

    02 Atmozfears & Toneshifterz - You & Me
    03 Luminite - Dragonblood
    04 Noisecontrollers - You know I Like it
    05 Adrenalize & Atmozfears - Feel Good
    06 Noisecontrollers - Whose Plan is it
    07 Cyber - TBA (Bootleg)
    08 Wasted Penguinz - TBA
    09 Headhunterz - Destiny
    10 Gunz for Hire - Pussy Lover