Nando Cp - Exterminate Poky

  • Label: Hardnoise Records
    Katalognr.: HNRS078
    VÖ-Datum: 29-02-2016 exklusiv @ Junodownload | 14-03-2016 auf anderen Musik-Portalen

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Zitat von Hardnoise Records

    Hi guys!

    After a very hard time we are back, and we are stronger than before! You will realize of it after listening to this track.
    We are really proud of Nando CP who never defraud us. In this track the subwoofers has worked at 100 % making a really really powerful track. Solid strong bassdrums, deep donk bass, old school synths and all the magic inside Nando's fingers make a top #10 tune alive.
    Don't miss it and ENJOY!