Outforce & Hartshorn feat. MC Riddle - Keep It Mello

  • Label: Justice Hardcore
    Katalognr.: JH175
    VÖ-Datum: 25-07-2016 exklusiv @ Trackitdown

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000160313136-ihxqs3-t500x500.jpg]

    Zitat von Justice Hardcore

    Justice Hardcore has teamed up with our good friends Outforce, Hartshorn & MC Riddle to promote // release their brand new trap influenced banger, "KEEP IT MELLO". This tracks has been on constant replay here in the Justice Hardcore studio since they sent it over.. And we are absolutely honored to get the chance to help them get it to the masses! Big things, Crew! KEEP IT MELLO!!!